• Canadian Pigeon Fancier's Association

The Canadian Pigeon Fancier’s Association

The pigeons

We could write hundreds of pages about pigeons, but this literature already exists in books or on the web and we have instead chosen to present our hobby in the form of short videos that describe well the different passions that animate our fanciers.

Let us first mention that the hobby of pigeon breeding can be divided into three broad categories:

  • Show pigeons: for each breed of pigeon we refer to standards of perfection, and fanciers attempt to breed birds using the breed standards as a guide. They then participate in local or national shows where birds are judged to determine their placing in comparison to the other birds exhibited. This is the main category chosen by CPFA members and every year our organization sponsors a national exhibition called the CPFA Classic, it is held alternately in Eastern and Western Canada. We explain the progress of an exhibition in the video titled: Pigeons in Canada Part-1
  • Performance pigeons: Several breeds specialized in endurance flight over several hours or in acrobatic flight (rolling, tumbling, diving and other acrobatics). Some enthusiasts are happy to admire their prowess; others participate in friendly competitions organized by specialized clubs in the subject. Many performance pigeons are also entered in pigeon shows where their appearance, rather their performance, is judged against their breed standards.
  • Racing pigeons: A unique and distinct variety, this breed of pigeons as the name suggests is raised by the fanciers who are dedicated of the organization and participation in races. In Canada, this category of pigeons is supervised by the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union (http://www.crpu.ca) and by the Pigeon Racing Quebec Federation (http://www.cyberquebec.ca/_layout/?uri=http://www.cyberquebec.ca/pigeon/). The distances traveled can vary from 75 to 1000 kilometers, but in some countries distances can be even greater.

The video Pigeons in Canada Part-2 briefly covers pigeons from the performance and racing groups, while the video titled Pigeons in Canada Part-3 is intended to serve as an introduction to the hobby of pigeon keeping.

We would like to express our gratitude for the work done by a prior CPFA Director Mr. Jerry Wenarchuk who has done a great job in preparing these videos. Support for this type of media is strong and many different aspects of the hobby are exposed in more detail. Our videos are available on Youtube, and simply by doing a search on this site, you can get a great deal of information on the pigeon hobby. A DVD version of the video is also available. For anyone interested in purchasing a copy, you will find the details in the Ordering section of this site.

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