- Canadian Racing Pigeon Union
- Central Canada Fantail Club
- Quebec Pigeon Breeders Association
- Giant Runt Club oc Canada
- Pommer’s Feather Farm
- Francois Renaud (Archangels)
- Atlantic Pigeon Breeders Association
- Vancouver Poultry & Fancy Pigeon Association
- National Modena Club (Canada &USA)
- Raymond Julien’s Website
- Fédération Colombophile du Québec
- Club Français de Pigeon Culbutant et Haut Volants
- Flying Oriental Roller Society
- French Roller Club and European Clubs, very good site for rollers
- American Racing Pigeon Union (AU)
- International Federation (IF)
- Saddle Homers USA
- National Pigeon Association (US)
- National Pigeon Organization – Société National de Colombiculture (France)
- National Pigeon Association (New Zealand)
- Pigeons in Russia
- NPA in Holland
- Australian National Pigeon Association
- National Fancy Pigeon Association (South Africa)
- German VDT (NPA): This site contains a tremendous number of national and international sites from countries around the world
- Frank Mosca (Tremendous Information)
- Tom Barnhart’s Pigeon Genetics
- Ron Huntley’s Rare Colored Homing Pigeons